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Dependencies Table

Dependencies and Licenses

Dependencies Version Licence
spring-boot-starter-web 2.0.1.RELEASE Apache 2.0
spring-boot-starter-test 2.0.1.RELEASE Apache 2.0
selenium-java 4.22.0 Apache 2.0
guava 31.1-jre Apache 2.0
json-path 2.4.0 Apache 2.0
phantomjsdriver 1.4.4 BSD 2-clause
opencsv 5.8 Apache 2.0
httpmime 4.5.2 Apache 2.0
json-lib 2.4 Apache 2.0
commons-httpclient 3.1 Apache 2.0
json 20151123 Public
quartz 2.2.1 Apache 2.0
quartz-jobs 2.2.1 Apache 2.0
jackson-databind 2.9.4 Apache 2.0
aws-java-sdk-s3 1.11.340 Apache 2.0
aws-java-sdk-sts 1.11.340 Apache 2.0
commons-codec 1.6 Apache 2.0
commons-logging 1.1.1 Apache 2.0
ws-commons-util 1.0.2 Apache 2.0
xmlrpc-client 3.1.3 Apache 2.0
xmlrpc-common 3.1.3 Apache 2.0
pdfbox 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
fontbox 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
pdfbox-tools 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
xmpbox 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
preflight 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
debugger-app 2.0.8 Apache 2.0
jempbox 1.8.11 Apache 2.0
ApacheJMeter_java 5.6 Apache 2.0
ApacheJMeter_http 5.6 Apache 2.0
jorphan 5.6 Apache 2.0
itextpdf AGPL 3.0
poi-ooxml 5.2.2 Apache 2.0
commons-io 2.16.1 Apache 2.0
jaxb-api 2.3.0 CDDL 1.1
rest-assured 3.0.0 Apache 2.0
jira-client 0.5 LGPL
postgresql 42.2.22 BSD 2-clause
mysql-connector-java 8.0.25 JDBC Drivers